hi here is a sketch for the preloader for the thing-thing collab.... i can do better i just messed up
Age 26, Male
Joined on 12/29/09
Posted by batboylols - April 17th, 2010
hi here is a sketch for the preloader for the thing-thing collab.... i can do better i just messed up
PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF HAHAHAHa that is the worst thing i have ever seen in my life. the gun doesn't even look like a gun, i looks like a metal stick. the hand is fucking retarded, and the "PROCEED" thing makes it even worser.
hope you get carpal tunnel from your suckyass drawings, uberfaggot.
your a retard
I'm sorry, but that is pretty bad. Do you even know how to code the button? Its like you antilaised it one white then added color. DONT ANTILAIS UNTIL THE WHOLE PIC IS DONE.
actully i colored it in and shade it in all the way but at least i do my best
Ya really what Fineas said, you'll have to code the loading bar, make an animation to change the loading bar into a play button, code the button, animate the retarded thing-thing guy, animate the gun so it shoots the instant you push play, then code the whole preloader to fit the animtion.
hey not all preloaders have movements and shooting guns
good try.you'll improve man.just keep trying.practice makes perfect.
You're making a game with Paint?
lol, I like it. I wud totally use this as a wallpaper.
It's simple. cool :)
I'm sorry but this sucks.
Get Flash. Paint AND paint.net suck.
hey i can thicken any line