u lucky som' bitch.
Age 26, Male
Joined on 12/29/09
u lucky som' bitch.
I don't think he wants too much questions since he's busy.
you do have a point but i think hes just checking out radio chat
(cough)absolute bullshit(cough)
you life is bullshit
wow your fucking dumb.
Krinkels wouldn't talk with a faggotass butthurt like you.
hey he did and he dont talk to spammers shitweed
You don't even fucking know what spam is, faggotface the foul
its past may 25th so is your collab done yet?
If you can prove he did, I'll put your character in 1 of my flash movies.
what should i do i didnt press alt printscreen when krinkels is talking
TTA stop it.You have no rights what so ever to pick on Batboys.He doesnt deserve it.
stop defending your little assbuddy
fuck you turd
bullshit, he does deserve it. anyone you is friends with you fucking deserves it.
And batboys, you fucking ban me, and your chances of being put in my movie is dropped, and ill make fineas and drift fucking hate you, even though they already do.
what movie?
youraperra,ttaisawesome,and Anastaciaisugly dont need to troll you.they need to be spammed,trolled,and need to leave newgrounds.
thanks for the comment on Yourafag's page.
oh that name is to youraperra.the bad name.
join the ng radio chat tacos me and pirate9898 r thar
batboy me dk-48 and roadkill r havin chat in room kameks room join noa
the room name is really xRoadKillx
Kids at your age shouldn't be on chat rooms. A rapist might ask you where you live and then you'll tell him and he'd come by and stab your two eyeballs out and then fuck your empty eye sockets and then he'd bury you in his backyard and leave you there to rot for all eternity and then the police would come by and he would lie and say that he doesn't know where you went and then they would ask to check out his house and then they would look around for half an hour until they gave up and said their sorry for any inconveniance and then he would dig you up again and fuck your dead body again and then he'd bury you again. The moral of the story: Don't go into chat rooms.
im not a kid
I'm slowly losing the SHRED of respect I had for you ever time you comment on my page >:(
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMzpBgDTGTM">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMzpBg DTGTM</a>